Business Intelligence

Translate data into insights to create strategic business decisions that improve productivity, increase revenue and accelerate growth.
At ReelAnalytics, we employ a combination of data mining, data visualization, data tools and best practices to help brands make more data-driven decisions. This comprehensive view of your brand’s data will help you to use that data to drive change, eliminate inefficiencies and quickly adopt to market changes.

Business Intelligence

Marketing ROI

Recoup the money and time you spend developing and executing your marketing campaigns

Once you have established benchmarks and targets for measuring your marketing ROI, you will want to establish processes for monitoring this and other marketing KPIs. Our media dashboards may prove invaluable in this regard.

Brand Audit

Determine your brand’s strengths, weakness and opportunities for improvement and new developments

A brand is not just a logo, a website or your business cards - it is an experience. Periodically evaluate your current brand and see where it has shifted since its inception. Brand audit is a continuous exercise and should be conducted regularly. ReelAnalytics will help you to effectively audit your brand if you want to remain relevant or to enact real change.

Out of Home Audit

Increased fragmentation of other media channels makes out-of-home appealing to advertisers who want to reach mass audiences

Brands are becoming increasingly aware of the value of out-of-home advertising. Improved measurement techniques ensure that brands can easily measure the cost effectiveness of out-of-home compared to other media channels and can easily be integrated it into media plans. At ReelAnalytics, we believe that by selecting the best quality locations for out-of-home advertising and by making sure that post campaign performance goals are met through periodic audits can greatly improve media campaign effectiveness.

Media audit

With so many media channels at your disposal, it is easy to lose track of what is working and where there is room for improvement.

This is where a careful media audit can be of service. Do an audit of your mainstream media marketing to gather and analyze all of your data coming from different channels, and then use that information to guide strategy and decision making. Are you maxing out your channel that is delivering the highest ROI, or are you spreading your budget too thin?

Employee surveys

Drastically improve performance and engagement by giving your employees a sense of purpose and meaning in your company

A carefully designed and conducted employee survey that asks the right questions at the right frequency can reveal a great deal of information about employee motivation and perceptions that management can use to improve the workplace.

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