Market Research

Understanding the journey that a customer or potential customer goes through when interacting with your brand is key to ensuring you are delivering the ultimate experience. Additionally, identifying your potential customers is equally important before undertaking any media campaign. ReelAnalytics helps you through every step of this journey

Market Research - Reelanalytics Ltd

Target Market Definition

How do you define your target market?

Defining your target market is the hard part. Once we help you identify who you are targeting, it becomes much easier to figure out which media channels you can use to reach them and the marketing messages that will resonate with them. Save money and get a better return on your media investment by letting us help you define your target market.

Market Audit

How do you conduct a successful market audit?

A holistic audit is the best way to uncover opportunities and can highlight previously unknown areas of strength. We encourage you to conduct periodic market audits to enable your team discover problems early and resolve them.

Consumer behavior & motivation

What motivates a consumer to choose one product/service over another?

Each consumer’s behavior towards the purchasing process is unique. However, all of them are influenced by certain factors. Consumer behavior is reflected from awareness right through post-purchase evaluation indicating satisfaction or non-satisfaction from purchases. We walk with you in your consumer journey to help you understand their expectations and motivation to buy.

Audience needs & drivers

What is your core target market looking for in your specialty?

n order to create any kind of product that resonates with your target audience, it is important to analyse your audience’s needs as well as any obstacles preventing them from taking action. This is the kind of research that takes a fair amount of knowledge to undertake. ReelAnalytics conducts a series of interviews with your key constituents in order to get a deeper understanding of your audience needs and drivers.

Customer journey Mapping

Classify your customers at each level of the purchase funnel, identify gaps in their experiences and mapping out their key pain points.

Staying on top of all the moments a customer interacts with your product/service is important. Mapping your customer journey helps you and your team understand how your customers are interacting and engaging with your brand as well as illustrate how it fits into their lives. ReelAnalytics will help you find the sweet spot where your customers reach their satisfaction with your brand while getting you closer to your goal.

Ad testing

Good advertising does not just increase sales, it informs consumers of your brand and gives it meaning.

Ad testing varies depending on your brand’s stage in development and implementation. Pre-testing should be done to validate and estimate your advert’s potential impact before it goes live. ReelAnalytics will help you navigate advert testing and control areas to measure your advertising effectiveness and show how your adverts affects your brand consideration.

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